Emissions And Warming Are Both Breaking Records

Greenhouse gas emissions are at an all-time high, with yearly emissions equivalent to 54 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Sitting in traffic for just 2 hours can lead to brain damage

A team at the University of British Columbia says brain scans show increased impairments in brain function after exposure to traffic pollution. In fact, signs of decreased brain function can start to appear in as little as two hours.

Air pollution recognized as a cause of death

For the first time in the UK - and possibly the world - air pollution has been recognized as a cause of a person's death. London court has found that air pollution "made a material contribution" to the death of a nine-year-old.

Climate change: 'dirty' used cars sold to Africa

Between 2015 and 2018, some 14 million older, poor quality vehicles were exported from Europe, Japan and the US. Four out of five were sold to poorer countries, with more than half going to Africa.

EU to seek stricter car emissions cut by 2030

European Union countries have agreed to pursue a 35 percent cut in car emissions by 2030, as part of global efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and limit global warming.