Richard Branson signs deal for India’s first super-speedy hyperloop route

Virgin Hyperloop One just signed an agreement with the state of Maharashtra in India to work towards a hyperloop route between Pune and Mumbai.

Virgin Hyperloop Sets New Speed Record

Virgin Hyperloop One announced a new speed record of 240 miles (386 km) per hour in its latest testing protocol.

This test run of Hyperloop shows people can soon travel at 700 miles an hour

At about 700 miles per hour, Hyperloop One, the full-scale hyperloop that’s just been tested successfully, should be faster than air-travel. Commercial services might be launched by 2021.

The hyperloop is ready for its big ‘Kitty Hawk’ moment

The test track in the Nevada desert is finally complete and ready to host the first full-system test in the next few months. Hyperloop One is eyeing less than a dozen regions in the US as possible future locations for its ultrafast, futuristic transportation system.

Global subway map shows the potential of a hyperloop-connected world

Finalist proposals from Hyperloop One's Global Challenge could lead to a global system of high-speed capsule transportation.

Hyperloop One has unveiled its plans for the world's first Hyperloop system

A US startup pursuing Elon Musk's futuristic vision of insanely fast pod-based transport announced this week that it intends to build the world's first Hyperloop system in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).