Love organic foods? Your odds for some cancers may fall

Eating more organically grown foods is linked to a 76 percent decreased risk for all lymphomas and an 86 percent reduced risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, French researchers say.

Organic and Sustainable Food Trends Taking Over 2018

2017 was the year of plant-based diets reaching new heights of popularity. 2018 has just as much to be excited about as far as lifestyle and food trends are concerned.

One step beyond organic or free-range: carbon-neutral eggs

Dutch farmer’s chickens lay carbon-neutral eggs - poultry owner claims his new approach has the highest welfare standards and lowest cost to environment.

Denmark is building the “Silicon Valley of agriculture” near Aarhus

The project is designed to boost agricultural performance in a dense urban environment, ensuring long-term food security without environmental degradation.

World's Largest Community Kitchen at Golden Temple Will Now Serve Organic Langar

A kitchen that feeds 100,000 people daily, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for free, is ready to raise the bar even further and set a benchmark for others to follow. Golden Temple – one of the world’s largest community kitchens, will soon be serving organic food.

Organic food: what to buy?

Deciding whether to buy organic food can be a dilemma. Produce grown without the use of pesticides is frequently more expensive than standard versions, and not everyone can afford to buy it all the time. But does shopping for organic food have to be all or nothing?